tirsdag den 3. august 2010

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Everywhere you go in the north, light has an immense impact on how you perceive the scenery, whether it is frozen morning or a still afternoon.

The one factor which determines the success of hunters, and failure of sea travel. A force of nature which for eons has shaped the land, but with a beauty not seen in any other element.


Greenland has it all. From deserts in the north, through humid forests in the south to impressive mountain ranges.

When the eagle a cold winter's day break the silence of the day, or when the humpback whale break the surface of the fjord, you realize how fortunate you are.

A life giving element of which any living organism depends.

People and Community
For more than 4000 years, people have inhabited the coasts of Greenland. Remote settlements continue to live a life depending on natural resources, such as seal and whale, and at the same time accomodating to modern technology.